

EMEA: PRESS RELEASE - For Immediate Release

European ME Alliance - EMEA Writes to EU Health Officials and WHO

May 2018

EMEA: PRESS RELEASE - For Immediate Release

The European ME Alliance is a collaboration of ME patient groups and charities and organisations in 14 European countries who have the common aim of promoting biomedical research into Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and increasing awareness of this debilitating neurological disease.

For ME Awareness month EMEA has written to the EU and WHO to usggest we coordinate a meeting to discuss current issues with ME - relating to research, diagnosis, treatments and the consequences of ME on young people.

EMEA is interested in action not superficial words.

The urgency of the situation regardingME needs to be met aith action rather than soundbites.

EMEA will lead this campaign and welcomes the EU and WHO to work together with EMEA to do just this

Further Information:

  1. Forskningsklinikken for Funktionelle Lidelser
  2. IOM Report

EMEA Letter to Members of the Danish Funktionelle Lidelser Working Group

Dear Members of the Funktionelle Lidelser Working Group,

Yours Sincerely

EMEA Board



Last Update: November 2016

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