

European ME Alliance

Conferences in Iceland and Sweden

Autumn 2017

June 2017

ME FÉLAG ÍSLANDS - Icelandic Conference

On 28th September 2017 the Icelandic ME Association will be holding a full day conference in

The ME Society of Iceland was established on 12 March 2011.

Patients were then beginning to talk to each other online and compare notes. Most of them had received a diagnosis of chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia also some analysis. Many had also received some sort of psychiatric diagnosis, most commonly depression and / or anxiety.

A certain group felt that the resources available were not helped everyone agreed that it desperately needed more knowledge, understanding and resources because the call was fatigue.

Eventually, ME FÉLAG ÍSLANDS was created with the aim to gain and increase knowledge about ME and increase among health professionals and patients themselves, their families and the public.

The programme for the conference is under develepment.
More details - click here

In October 2017 the Swedish National Society for ME Patients, RME, are arranging two meetings in Sweden.

Time: Wednesday 18th October 2017 1 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Exhaustion even on cellular level. Cardinal symptoms, biomarkers and possible treatment

Venue: Landstingssalen, Landstingshuset (the County Council Hall), Hantverkargatan 45, Stockholm

Time: Thursday Oct 19th 2017 1 p.m.– 5 p.m.

Exhaustion even on cellular level. Cardinal symptoms, biomarkers and possible treatment

Venue: Kockums Fritid, Västra varvsgatan 8, Malmö,



Last Update: June 2017

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